Attention: If you are looking for information on upcoming ELDOA/Somatraining Program Courses, please visit here: or



Certificate of Applied Trainer
European Diploma of Animator in Sport, Health and Fitness Training
Duration: 3 Years - 4 Seminars over an 8 to 10 month period. Each Seminar lasts 3 days

- Examination of the Knee

Year 1:

Strengthening of the Abdominals & Diaphragm
Strengthening of the Lower Limbs
Strengthening of the Upper Limbs & Trunk
Global Movement and Posturology – The Squat

Year 2:

General ELDOA (Levels 1-2)
Myofascial Stretching
Specific ELDOA (Levels 3-5)
Specific Proprioception and Awareness

Year 3:

Circulatory and Respiratory Techniques
Global Postural Stretching
Cardio Training and Physical Conditioning
Pathologies Sports, Kinesiology and Strapping

Clinical Application & Evaluation

Upon completion of all of the Level One, Two and Three courses, a Diploma of SomaTrainer
and a European Diploma of Physical Training (FFCP) will be awarded.

*This is only a very brief description. Please click on the button below to find in depth detail about program and schedule for upcoming courses.


The NEW ELDOA PROGRAM is offered as a stand-alone program in 6 Levels*

Level 1 -  Intro to ELDOA – The Foundational Exercises - 2 days

Level 2 -  L5-S1 to C2-C3 - 3 days

Level 3 - Ribs, Shoulders, and Hips - 3 days

Level 4 - Sacroiliac Joint and Pubic Symphysis + Exam - 5 days

Level 5 - The Skull, Upper Cervical, TMJ, Head Injuries and Lesions of the spine

Level 6 - Clinical applications in addition to clinical ADAPTATIONS + Exam


In level 4 and 6 there will be an exam to prove practitioner proficiency with the ELDOA techniques as well as class graduation from the Soma ELDOA program

*This is only a very brief description. Please click on the button below to find in-depth detail about the program and schedule for upcoming courses.


What is a SomaTraining/SomaTherapy Practitioner?

World renowned Osteopath Dr. Guy VOYER has institutes and education programs currently being taught  in multiple locations, in several countries across the globe.  Among his students there are medical doctors, osteopaths, physical therapists, chiropractors and many other health professionals enrolled into his programs. The SomaTraining and SomaTherapy Certification Programs are 3-4 year programs with a curriculum consisting of incredibly in depth knowledge about the body, fascia, biomechanics, physiology, etc... but more importantly an incredible amounts of techniques and tools that help improve the level of all professionals who attend. SomaTrainers/therapists are taught to view and treat the human body as a dynamic global system with the ability to work with the complexity model and recognize that disfunction and injuries are only ever truly improved by addressing not only the problem but all that is in relation.

A Somatrainer/therapist specializes in:

  • Specific exercises to strengthen and reinforce muscle tissue and function

  • High performance strength and cardiovascular performance

  • Proprioception to improve joint stability and ligament function

  • ELDOA for all levels of the spine and specific joints in the body

  • Myofascial Stretching to improve quality of tissue and correct structural imbalances

  • Postural and gait analysis

  • Articular pumping to manually treat inflammation and quality of the fascia

  • Techniques to treat headaches, asthma, visceral function, bladder infections, menstrual problems, pregnancy pain, digestion, varicose veins, hernias, patellafemoral syndrome, sprains, rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, lumbago, scoliosis, pre/rehabilitation from surgeries and more

Check out some of the Somatraining/therapy and ELDOA communities around the world! Related links:

Dallas, TX -

London, UK -

Larchmont, NY -

Newport Beach, CA -

Seal Beach, CA -

Montreal, CAN -

Toronto, CAN -